Applicability and Methodologies of Deduction in Science


The scientific approach that was utilized in the investigation of internon theory is discussed.  Methods for formulation of physical theories are examined.  The principal methods of induction and deduction are presented and the advantages and disadvantage of these methods are examined.  We claim that when a problem arises, nearly all typical problems are best solved by induction. However, there exist classes of problems that are not only best solved by deduction, they must be solved by deduction.  The quantum measurement problem we expect is one of these problems whereby the deductive approach is the most appropriate.  Whereas techniques in induction are typically taught at length for any particular class of problems within standard education, very little is taught regarding the application of deduction.  Internon theory was developed via deductive argument, and the specific methods utilized in the development of internon theory are presented. A reasonably well-defined methodology for resolving problems through deduction is presented in generality.  It is further explained how deductive arguments can be developed step-by-step, refined, accepted or rejected. We believe that ultimately a well-executed deductive investigation will progress and typically converge toward resolution over time for even the most difficult problems, whereas an inductive or poorly executed deductive investigation is destined for failure. Hence the understanding of how to proceed in a reasonably systematic manner in a deductive investigation is critical to solving certain problems.